What's wrong with the way people in this country think, we are all Americans, if you live in this country, you should be proud to be an American, and that means that you should support our American businesses, and keep the money flowing through them, not to Germany, or Japan, I have nothing against either one of these countries, but I am an American, from the USA, living in America, and if their countries can't do anything wrong, why are they all moving here, oh and while I'm chatting let;s not forget Mexico, they are moving here by the droves.
They even spout off things like, we're moving all of our relatives so we can take our country back, once again I'll say it, be an American for hell sakes, support our country, not some other third world dump, but most of all not a country who claims that they want to take the USA from us, we need to look out for number one, and put everything else aside, make sure that our country has what in needs to thrive.
Make sure that our economy is strong, make sure that our people support our country rather then some other country, make sure that our businesses thrive, make sure that we're in control of the government, and not the other way around, make sure that we realize that things that are built in the USA are of the highest quality possibly, and remember that as the old people used to say, you get what you pay for, so just because Walmart sells it cheaper does not mean that it saves you money, if you have to buy three of them in the same time that I own one did it save you money, or was it really just cheap.
Look at the label, and if it does not say "Made In The USA" don't buy it, it just makes sense to keep our money in our country, can you imagine what would happen to the mid east if we quit buying their oil, just give it some thought, can you imagine how much better things could get if you just decided to "Buy American" and not come up with excuses why it's better if you don't support our country, to some people you sound like an idiot when you do that.