I've been thinking a lot about why things are the way that they are in this country, and I have come to a conclusion, people are idiots, you spend your time whining about what needs to change in this country, but spend no time thinking about why it needs to change, if your the cause of the problem, then it may be you that needs to change, it could be that the people need a tune up, it the people that need to care, not the people that you blame for the problem.
Here's a for instance for you, our country is suffering monetary losses right now, this is directly due to the fact that some idiot started the notion that nothing built in America is a quality product, I got two words for you, my ass, America build the highest quality products on the market, have you stopped to consider that it may not be the government that is causing all the problems, it may lay up on you.
Yes the government does have a lot to do with what happens in our country, but you cannot lay all the blame on them, if you only buy products that are built in some other country, such as Japan, or Germany, then you are helping cause the problem, it bothers me not that you read some consumer magazine that claims to run a fair test on the products, I don't care how you have come to the conclusion that America in inferior, you have come to the wrong conclusion, and in the end you'll pay.
I don't care if you think that your right and everybody else is wrong, I don't care if your some professor of worldwide affairs, I just don't give a shit, if your not supporting our country, then your not a real American, your supposed to support our country, support our troops, and support our countries business, and it's way of life, if you can't even do that, then don't claim to ba an American.
David C. Atkin