Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Buy American - The Big Three

I just got through battling with a guy over the quality of American built cars, and guess who won Americans have listened to the rhetoric about the imports being better for long enough, it's about time for true Americans to give the big three a chance again.

We seem to keep dwelling on things that are twenty or more years old, what made you buy an import in the first place? did you hear that they were a built a better car; did you hear that their quality was better, when you heard that you gave them a chance, you bought in to the hype surrounding the imports.

If their cars are so much better, why do most of them prefer to drive American cars, if you think I'm lying this can be proven with a simple Google search on the subject, the only reason the Japanese don't buy more of our cars is because of the price, who do you think is buying all the old American cars.

I was at the Ford dealership, when a guy from Russia came in to purchase a car, he did just that, he bought a Mustang, and then promptly shipped it back to Russia, when asked why he flew all the way across the sea just to buy an American car, he said they are the best cars you can buy.

This guy would apparently be more American then most American's are, he flew all of those miles to buy an American car, because he researched the quality, he compared, and he learned the real truth about the quality of cars, he could have bought a German car, or a Japanese car, and spent less money.

So why don't more American's do the same thing, do some research on the subject before you just go out and buy an import, by research I mean more then just one web site, and more then one dealership, however you do your research, be sure to spend some time, don't be in a hurry, and you may be pleasantly surprised.

It's time to give them another chance, yes in the past they have made a few mistakes, but they are American car companies, they deserve another chance, if you made a mistake you'd want another chance, why don't they deserve the same thing as you'd expect for yourself.

Buy American, be American, and help the America survive.

Buy American, be American, and help the big three survive.

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