Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Top 1% Can't Foot The Bill For The 50%

The bottom line here is that the people that are rich because they have built a business up that in turn is very successful, and has made them very rich after a lot of years of hard work.

So Obama thinks that some how these people own the ones who are to lazy to make their money the old fashioned way and earn it, it's all about the hand out for those people.

The fact of the matter is that you can't count on a few rich people in a country to pay the way for all of those who don't pay their own way. On the other hand if the big companies are using tax shelters so they don't have to pay taxes, those shelters need to be removed.

There are economists out there who have done the numbers, and determined that about 50% of Americans pay no taxes at all. If that is true then possibly those people should be made to pay taxes before you penalize the people who are creating jobs, and building our country.

This all simply means that the tax code needs to be redone, and we need to remove all of those things that make it possible for people to hide money from taxes.

On the other hand if the government is going to continue to use our tax money that to screw the American people, nobody should ever pay a dollar in taxes to the federal government again.

If they raise taxes and just start taking it out of your pay check, you should revolt with all of your might. The feds should not be allowed to do as they please, look at how much damage that they have done in the last forty years or so.

We are trillions of dollars in debt, since Obama came in to office out credit has downgraded not once, or even twice, but if I'm not mistaken four times.

Which by itself is enough of a reason to not allow them to raise taxes just so they can squander more of our money. It;s time to put these idiots on notice, and let them know who is in charge.

You have just got to believe that the top 1% of the food chain cannot make up for the federal government's screw ups, along with paying for the bums of this country to get that all important handout from the federal government.

No single group of people can make up for the federal government and their bad habits. Nor can they make up for the bums of the country, those people who just won't work.

If you think about it, it makes a lot more sense to make all those who don't pay taxes pay their fair share pay it, before you lay it on the successful people who have worked hard to become wealthy.

And truly are creating jobs, and helping people to earn a living. If it is true what the economists say that 50% of Americans pay no taxes at all, they must be made to pay before you penalize the wealthy.

Believe me I am not one of the wealthy people of this country, but some day I'd like to be. I do not believe that the wealthy and successful people should have to pay for the mistakes of the federal government, and those who just refuse to pay taxes.

I fully believe that the feds should use some of that money that they don't have to spend, to track down those who are paying no taxes, and either kick them out of this country, or make them pay their taxes.

I personally don't believe that the USA owe anybody a free ticket to life. It's time to reform welfare, and minimize the handout machine. We are not a socialist country, nor does it make sense for us to make sure that a bum stays a bum.

It's entirely different is you have a disability that makes it so you can't work, but there very few who actually are disabled to the point where they can't work. But those who are do need the help, and we should help them when they need is.

But we do not need to help illegal immigrants with the peoples tax money. We do not need to make it easier for them to break our laws. It's time that people got an understanding that this is not free money. I go to work to pay for you welfare, food stamp using bums, and I don't like it.

Let those who think that it's such a great thing pay for those people to stay alive. It's time to do the 100 yard check, our country needs a touch down not a field goal.

We need the full score, and we cannot generate the full score by raising taxes during a recession. The only thing that will help this country right now is more jobs. But we are about to let Obama raise taxes on the people who create jobs in this country.

You have got to know that when taxes go up employers lay people because they can't afford not to. So before yo get behind the stupid idea of raising taxes during a recession, if your still employed right now, you should ask your boss what happens to your job if Obama raises taxes.