Monday, December 28, 2009

The American Automotive Industry – Don't Listen To The Doomsday Message

Over the past couple of years I have heard a lot of disparaging remarks about the American automotive industry, to an extent I understand where these doomsday predictions are coming from, but I can't sell them out, not yet i have gotten so much good from it.

I just have to wonder if any of the doom and gloomers have actually spent time working in the industry, it has done me nothing but good, I also constantly hear form the people who have always got to own an import car, they just can't give America a chance again, but for the importers, oh yes they will.

The industry is in a bad way at the moment, but it will pull through, and when it does it will be stronger then ever, unless the government sticks it's big fat fingers in the cookie jar again, if they have problems again, I say no more help from the government, somebody will always step in if they have a chance.

The economy is hurting a lot of things at this point in time, and if you haven't noticed, when the government get's involved it always goes south for the winter, these companies need to take care of themselves, some rich private citizen will always step in to help.

So to this end I say, don't give excused why you can't buy an American car, give the new cars a chance, I'll be the first to admit that the American automotive industry didn't do that great of a job in the 1980's, but then again neither did the importers.

You hear how great imports like Mercedes Benz are, but at some point it time you might want to look at some of the MB owners web sites and take a look at how great most of the owners think that they are, it might just re-tune thinking on the import cars.

They are not better built, they don't back them with better warranties, and they cost a lot more to maintain, so where is all the greatness in owning one of them, where is all of the joy that all of the American car haters get, I fail to understand it.

Now I expect somebody will start waling on me about Toyota, you might want to go an do your own research before you start to harp on me, because I have done the research on this issue, if you can gauge it by number of recalls, Toyota most certainly doesn't win.

Taken the number of recalls is just as high for Toyota as it is for the American car companies, where do you get the idea that they are built to a higher quality standard, please explain it to me because I'd love to hear it, you can't quantify with any proof, because the numbers just don't add up.

I get completely sick of hearing it, to the point that I just begin to think that these people don't like it just because it's American, they are thinking that if it's built in this country that it's a low quality turd, that should never see a day on the road.

For everything these people say bad about an American car, and they are built by humans, and we can all make mistakes, they can point out this fact, or that fact, but I can point out the same type of facts about the wonderful imports that they all love so much.

I don't care what country imports that car, that doesn't even weigh in o the factor, they are all built in a factory, and all of the factories use right close to the same technology, they also use human hands on an assembly line to build them, just like we do.

The processes are the same, rather the car is built here, or in some other country, if you ask a German they will say you spoiled American, your cars are every bit as good as our cars are, but you still complain, because you have to keep up with the Jones-es.

Noe realizing that your the one who sounds dumb in the end, you whine about the state on our country, but you don't want to support it, what an idiot that makes you, you who can't admit that you might have been wrong for all of these years, you who doesn't care about your country.

Monday, October 5, 2009

It's Time To Be An American Your Country Needs You

It may not seem like a big idea to some people, but if you just buy American made products, you can help pull the country out of this funk that it's in, you can say that you have done your par to help, and you can say that your real honest to god true American.

Our country is in dire need of a come back right now, and if you think for a single minute that the idiot in charge of this country is going to help, you may need to re-think things, Obama want to fundamentally transform America, to bring about a redistributive change.

In terms that most people can understand, a redistributive change means socialism, if you don't believe me, I'll explain what it is, first let's sat that you have three chickens, and the guy down the street has one chicken, the government would take one of yours, and give it to the guy down the street.

Let's say that you have a business, and the business is doing pretty good, your making a good amount of money, you'd only be able to make an amount set by the government, if you make more then that, the government would come in and take enough to fix the problem.

If you don't see a problem with this, well your just not a true American, in this country we believe that if people are willing to work hard enough, they can make what ever they want out of their life, and the government can't tell them to stop, as long as they follow the laws as they do it.

When you but American made products , it helps companies in this country survive and thrive, they will hire more people because they have more business, and our economy will begin to come back, it will begin to rebound, it will eventually return to normal.

Bailouts won't fix things, that is a temporary flow of income, when the money runs out again, it's right back to the way it was before the bailouts, the government can't fix this problem, even though they had a lot to to with causing it in the first place.

Labor unions can't fix it either, no matter what Obama says, labor unions are corrupt, and no longer needed, there was a time when they were truly needed, a time when people were working slave labor, and forced to do so, but that is no longer the case, if you work hard, you can be what you desire to be.

We need to concentrate on helping our country out of this funk, we need to be American, and be proud to be Americans, not run around saying I'm an Irish American, or I'm an Italian American, or I'm A Mexican American, all you need to say id, I'm an American, and be proud to say it.

Buy American and help the businesses in this country survive, and help your country make a come back, this is the best country on the planet to live in, no other country will do the things for you that this country will, just because you live in it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Buy American Be American Love America

Hello people it's time to be proud of your country again, if you don't want to be proud of America, maybe it's time you looked in to leaving this country, parts of loving your country is to support it, and buy goods that are built in it.

I don't care if it's clothes, cars, electronics, or any other items that are manufactured in this country, it's time to think about where the money goes when you buy things are imported from other countries, I'll bet you are worried about the economy, if so do your part to help it.

If you want to save your retirement funds, your 401K's, and other investments, then it's time that you done your part to help the economy, before you buy it look for a tag that says made in the USA on it, when you buy goods that are made here the money stays in our country.

If you don't believe what I say, you might want to go out and do a little research on your own, you may want to look in to being an American again, you may want to buy products that are made in America, I don't want to hear excuses about how good the importers do things either.

I get sick and tired of hearing how great other countries build things, and all l I hear cannot be proven in any way, there is no documentation of it any where, other then an article in some magazine, or a random person whining that Americans can't build a quality product.

To that I say crap, America does is better then any other country on the planet, America always has done it better, and we always will, so if you want to help your country, buy American products, buy the LG TV rather then the Samsung, buy the Chevrolet rather then the Toyota.

Look at the tag before you buy the product, if you don't help out country through these bad times, and you expect somebody else to do it for you, you might get a rude awakening, you might wake up to find your country out of business.

I've said it before , and I'll say it again, be American, buy American, support America, no excuse is good enough not out during these hard times, no excuse makes you sound smart, and no excuse will help our country out of the funk that it's in.

You might want to blame the government for everything that has happened, but you'd be wrong to do so, this falls as much on the people of the country, the people who refuse to be American, the people who refuse to buy American.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

No Time Like The Present

It's time to quit looking for reasons to sell out your country, the importer do not make better quality products then we do, it's just an excuse; a filthy dirty bunch of lies that a few people started to spread back in a 1980's.

Some idiot started a rumor that the importers built higher quality goods then the USA, with absolutely no proof this fantasy took off like wild fire through our country, and that fire still burns ti this day, although it has been doused a bit.

It's disgusting that American's think that they have to try to prove that other countries are building better products, I will come off the high horse on one thing, the Japanese do build some of the electronics better then we do.

That can attributed directly to the fact that we buy more of their electronics, making it so they have more funds to develop new technology faster then we can, if you'd just spend the money with companies that headquarters in this country, you might be surprised.

If you know anything about how a company works, the companies with the most money can put more funds in to R&D to build better products, but the bottom line is that it takes more money to build better products, and they have more to spend.

The Germans say that our cars are every bit as good as theirs, and then they say those spoiled, spoiled Americans don't even know what they have, you don't know how many times I have heard this from Germans.

You need to give your country a chance, you need to help your country produce the high quality goods that it's capable of, or the Germans are right, you are spoiled Americans, I have said for a long time that I blame the present economy on the people, as much as the government.

I give the people equal blame because the government isn't the ones driving American companies out of business, it's the people not buying American mad goods, you go to Wal Mart and buy things made in India; China; and any other place besides your country.

You save ten cents; and that's all it takes for you to sell out your country; I wonder have you ever heard that you get what you pay for, it's 100% true and it will be until the day you die, the R&D to make a product high quality costs more money, so they have to charge more for it.

You don't get the best of both worlds, you either get the things that you buy cheap; or you get high quality products, but you do not get both, it's time to think American; be American; and buy American to help your country through the hard times it's in.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Troubles For Nissan With The Armada - Think Before You Buy

I told you that I'd dig up that dirt, now I have info on Nissan, gee guys the imports are so much better, now it's Nissan's turn with the Armada SUV according to business week magazine, soon after buying his Nissan Armada, the problems started.

Scott Mount's Nissan Armada literally gave him a headache, I guess your wondering why it would do such a thing, being as how the imports are so much better then American cars, Scott began experiencing earth shattering vibrations from the roof.

What's worse it a brand new SUV, and the brake are squealing like mice in the attic, and clicks from the rear of the truck were also annoying, he took it to the dealer who replaced the brakes, on the brand new SUV mind you.

They also checked the noise coming form the rear of the SUV, and tried to squelch the mind shattering vibrations from the roof of the SUV, to no avail, the customer is still unsatisfied with the outcome, this is his fifth Nissan, and probably his last.

I'll say it again, buy American and you'll never have these problems, I do get sick of hearing how much better the importers are then the USA, you'd never hear of these problems with a Ford, Chevrolet, or Chrysler, “buy American”.

I can always find more of these articles, the argument is no good with me, they do not build better cars, they never have built better cars, and they never will build better cars, all you have to do is show me the proof, and you can't because it doesn't exist.

Nissan Quality Issues

Technorati Profile

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It Defies All Logic – I Can Prove It

I'm getting quite sick of hearing that the importers build better cars and truck s then the USA does, I can give link after link, to reputable sites like Consumer Affairs, Business Week, and many more, and you still run of at the mouth with the import car rhetoric.

You try and try to prove me wrong, and for everything you find about an American car I can find a lot more about your imports crap, it's time to buy American, it's time to be American, it's time to realize the lies that you have bought in to for all these years.

I will keep preaching until the day I die about American cars, and the quality that they have, I have worked on them all during my career in the automotive industry, and I'm here to tell you they do not build a better car, we do.

I know you think it makes you cool to drive a BMW, or a Mercedes Benz, or even a Toyota at the end of this article I will place some links to sites that will help you to learn about it before you buy an import, I will save you some agony, it does not make you cool.

I know you don't believe me, but maybe you'll believe Mercedes Benz owners, how about a few BMW owners, and even some Toyota owners with frames that quite simply rot in half from the rust, gee that is extremely high quality.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More Quality Issues For Toyota For The New Tundra

First of all, all of the car manufactures have to pass insurance institute safety standards, these are done to estimate how safe the cars are, not only one, but twice has the Tundra failed to pass these tests, and is now offering rebates to make up for it.

Now that I'm on the issue of quality, I hear every day how much better imports are built, when was the last time you heard about an American car having it's camshaft snap in half, this is a huge issue, and very costly to repair, and that if it can be fixed, without replacing the top of the engine.

Toyota is trying to figure out how many trucks are affected out of the 30,000 truck production run, you can bet the excuses are coming, form both Toyota and the people who say that there better the American built trucks.

Toyota has been plagued with problems for this truck, but it's still better then and American truck, mind you trucks that don't have camshafts snap in half, trucks that don't have their frames rotting in half, and trucks that pass the insurance safety standards.

But still to this day I hear how much better built the imports are, I hear how I should buy them rather then an American built car, it's quite simply not true, it's time to put your trust in the American car manufactures again, it's time to be an American.

In this day and age, with the economy in the slump that it seems to be in there is no reason to buy a single thing that is not built in this country, I know you hear things about our products having less quality, if you just research it, you'll find that it's untrue.

America has caused some it's own problems this way, by being so willing to let the importers take over that way that they have, buy selling out our industry to the outsources, by not built our industry infrastructure that way that they should.

It's time to see past the blame, and quit playing the games that come with it, it's time to help your country out of the funk that it's in, it's time to be an American again, let's all have the love for our country that used to exist, let's salute the flag, it's time to care.

Not about what the country ca n do for you, but what you can do for the country, we don't need to be giving out a bunch of handouts to every bum, and lazy non-producing welfare sucking idiot on the earth, it's time to put an end to it.

It's time to think American, it's time to buy American, it's time to be American, help your country, be proud to live in America, and first and foremost love America, our companies don't build lower quality merchandise then the importers, that's all just a fantasy.

A way to explain away the question why did you buy that car, a way to explain away why you not helping your country, it's time to get off of the soap box, stop by an American car dealer, and give them a chance, let them win your loyalty, be an American.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

President Obama - Death to the Muscle Car

If you love these cars that same way that I do, it's time to begin paying attention to what this idiot is doing

President Obama - Death to the Muscle Car
As if he hasn't already done enough to the automotive industry, Obama now want's to set new fuel economy standards, this could end up being the final nail in the coffin of the American muscle car, and institution that has lasted since the 1960's.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Imports Have Higher Quality - You May Change Your Mind

I constantly hers that the imports are built to a high quality standard then domestic cars are, and to this I say, you may change your mind after you red a report that I have on Toyota trucks, the problems that the frames had, and the way that your favorite car company dealt with it.

Toyota has been in this country for a long time, and it's one of those companies you hear builds car to a higher quality standard them the US car builders do, it does not make you smart when you say things like this, it makes you anti American.

Later on in this article I'm going to give you a link to a report from a company who investigated Toyota after the frames on their trucks begun to fail, and I'm not talking just a quick fix either, some of these people had to get rid of their trucks all together.

This just helps me prove my point to buy American, don't buy the Toyota, the BMW, the Mercedes, buy American, I've herd all the excuses, they don't build a car that I want to drive, they have higher quality, I look more successful in an import.

None of these excuses work on me, I've been telling people for years now that the American made cars are better, you'll never read a story about a Chevrolet that's frame rusted in half, but later on you will read a report that will prove that Toyota frames did.

You'll still argue with me, but you will not locate even one instance of this happening to an American truck, oh you may hear of problems with tires, or a battery cable misplaced, but you can look till hell freezes over and you won't find a single instance of a frame falling apart.

The reason you won't is because it has never happened, and it never will, but it did your you wonderful Toyota, and it will again, American has always built higher quality car and trucks, and we always will, after this I should never have to argue about a Toyota truck again, but I will.

You can spew off all of the platitudes that you'd like, you can say how much better of a car they build, but I will prove that they don't, I will prove that you didn't study before you bought your Toyota, I will show you that you should buy American.

Toyota love them, or hate them, they have done a wonderful job of market their products in this country, and an even better job of hiding the bad things that happen to their cars and trucks, in this report you'll see that Toyota truck frames broke in half.

It was never seen in the news, it was buried, hidden from the general public, but every little tiny thing that the domestic car makers do is all over the news, they can't so much as sneeze without the media blowing it out of proportion, these are our car companies, not Japan's.

American has always built better products, all this carp you hear about the importers building high quality goods is ridiculous, but most American's have bought in to it, do a lit research before you go out and buy imported goods, it's time to think American.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gus Pualos Takes Delivery Of The First 2010 SS Camaro In Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah, 5-13-2009

Gus Paulos Chevrolet has taken delivery of the very first 2010 SS camaro in Utah, stop in to see the car an mention our buy American promotion to Clay Lyon to get e great deal on a brand new Chevrolet.

The 2010 camaro is a work of art, and must be seen to be appreciated, David C. Atkin of Atkin Internet Enterprises says that the 2010 camaro is an amazing combination of new technology, with the camaro of yesteryear, it sports a sleek look the takes you back to the 1969 Camaro.

Atkin Internet Enterprises is using it's web presence to help promote Gus Paulos Chevrolet, and the restoration of the American way of life, our alliance has allowed us a special relationship with Gus Paulos Chevrolet, a relationship that we hope will help build the confidence of the public.

Atkin Internet Enterprises is dedicated to helping bring back the Buy American attitude that our country used to have, we need to think of our country, and the business that it supports, it's time to think American in everything you do.

President David C. Atkin, president of Atkin Internet Enterprises says that Chevrolet, and the big three have done a lot for our country over the years, and now it's our turn to help them, and at the same time help save our country, you can read more about this promotion at .

David C. Atkin is an expert article author on for the fields of automotive restoration, and politics, David has been writing articles on these subjects for the past three years, and is always adding to his repertoire of articles about these subjects.

David has also done interviews about the use of E85 as an alternate fuel for classic American cars, in the January 2008 issue of Muscle Car Enthusiast magazine, David is always striving to make old cars more popular, as they are an important part of our countries automotive history.

Http:// is also putting forth an effort to see that the big three get the help that they need, all sites owned by Atkin Internet Enterprises will support the big three in their efforts to rebuild their businesses, and to help them thrive.

For additional information about please contact David C. Atkin, or visit , if you'd like a copy of this press release you may visit our forum located at and look in the press release area, or email and put Gus Paulos Chevrolet in the subject.

Atkin Internet Enterprises provides web design and hosting services to the automotive industry.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Gus Paulos Chevrolet, And Atkin Internet Enterprises Announce The Buy Ameircan Promotion

Gus Paulos Chevrolet

To get the deal above all you have to do is right click the image above, and click save as, and then print out a copy of the image above and present it to Clay Lyon ay Gus Paulos Chevrolet.

Through our site only you can get a great deal on a brand new Chevrolet, just think a new car rather then another used one, you'll always remember the first new car you bought, and this time you can help your country by buying and American car rather then an import.

American builds great cars, and it's time that we all take the to heart, our web site is the only place on the net that you can get this deal is our web site contact Dave and ask about the buy American promotion with Atkin Internet Enterprises and Gus Paulos Chevrolet today!!!

Or contact Clay Lyon at Gus Paulos Chevrolet, and tell him that you seen this promotion on Auto Shop Alliance, are you ready for your 2010 camaro, this is you opportunity to get just the camaro you want at a great price, it's time to think American and help your country survive the hard times.

The new GM total confidence plan offers you peace of mind that your new truck or car will never lose it's trade in value, and if you get laid off of work Chevrolet will make your payments for up to nine months at $500.00 per month, what more can you ask for.

General Motors will warrant powertrains on 2008 and newer: Chevrolet, Buick, Pontiac, GMC and Saturn passenger cars, light duty trucks or vans for fully backed, 5 years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first**. This warranty will have no deductible, starting from the original in-service date of the vehicle, for warrantable repairs which are required as a result of defects due to material and/or workmanship to the Powertrain components.

The Payment Protection Program is provided by cynoSure Financial, Inc.
Purchase or lease any eligible new 2008, 2009 or 2010 Chevrolet, Buick, Pontiac, GMC or Saturn vehicle from a participating GM dealer in the United States from May 1, 2009 through June 1, 2009. Saab, Hummer and Cadillac vehicles, medium duty and heavy duty trucks are excluded.

You have to be employed for at least 30 hours per week for 90 days after you buy or lease the vehicle and for 12 consecutive weeks prior to your first day of unemployment.

Then, if you lose your job due to economic conditions during the next 21 months you are eligible for benefits. If you lose your job for other reasons, you may not be covered.

You are not eligible if you are an active GM employee, a seasonal worker, are self-employed, retired or receiving a severance.

If you want to read all of the detailed terms and conditions of this program, simply click on the link on this page, which leads to a sample set of terms and conditions for the program.*

The Vehicle Value Protection Program is provided by ServicePlan, Inc.
Purchase any eligible new 2008, 2009 or 2010 Chevrolet, Buick, Pontiac, GMC or Saturn vehicle from a participating GM dealer in the United States through June 1, 2009. Saab, Hummer and Cadillac vehicles, medium duty and heavy duty trucks are excluded.

Note: Effective May 1, 2009 Chevrolet, Buick, Pontiac, GMC or Saturn vehicles are eligible for GM Total Confidence.
Vehicle Value Protection does not apply to leases or balloon payment financing.

Then, make your loan payments for at least half of the original term. After that, if you want to buy another GM vehicle, just compare your principal loan balance (not including interest or any refunds on other products/services that were part of your vehicle loan) to the NADA clean retail price for your vehicle. If you owe more than the vehicle is worth, Vehicle Value Protection will help make up the difference.

If you trade your vehicle in to the dealer and pay off the loan, you can recover the difference up to $5,000. If you sell your vehicle in a private sale and pay off the loan, you can recover the difference up to $2,500.

If your original vehicle loan was for more than 110% of the vehicle MSRP, Vehicle Value Protection won't cover the excess.
Maximum Finance Term: Up to 72 months.

If you want to read all of the detailed terms and conditions of this program, simply click on the link on this page, which leads to a sample set of terms and conditions for the program.*

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why You Should Buy American Made Products

The most obvious reason to buy American made products is quite simply to keep Americans working, if you buy products made in the USA it will obviously help keep American workers employed, it helps American businesses stay in business, and helps the economy.

You hear every day about this company, or that company down sizing, and laying off American workers, if all Americans were to buy American made products do you really think that these business would be downsizing like they are now.

The economy is another subject that you hear about every day if you live in this country, and you should hear about it, the point needs to be driven home that Americans need to help their country, and don't think that you can't help, because you can.

Do you remember a few years back when no country could tell the USA that we had to do anything, now we have a president that takes full bow for the king of Saudi-Arabia, yes we need to fix things in our country, and it all starts with the economy.

We need to re-gain our American pride, we need to buy American made products, I know that it a must to buy some imported goods, but without question you can cut way down on it, it seems that our country is going down the toilet, and nobody cares.

Don't buy in to the America bashing, give the business in your own country a chance to sell you some goods and possibly you can learn a thing or two about quality, if your lucky you may just become an American at some point along the way.

Supporting your country is a part of being an American, it's part of living in this country, and it should come naturally to every person living here, reduce your buying of imported goods, and support American business, be American and love your country.

The USA used to be the country doing all of the exporting, now we do hardly any, and part of the reason why is because the American public has even rubbed off on other countries, and they believe that American products in inferior.

America could be the king of industry again, but not until we grow a few Americans in this country again, a few people who support their country in every way possible, you people who refuse to buy American products are part of the economic problem.

It's time to grow some patriotism people, it's time to be an American again, it's time to support your country, it's time to salute the flag again, we need to do all we can to help our country, if you don't like the idea of companies downsizing you can help stop it.

If you don't want to be fired,or laid off, you can help stop it from happening, when you buy American made products it helps keep our country working, it helps keep the companies that you work for in business, and it helps our country.

Friday, April 3, 2009

More Of The Same – Drop The Anti-American Rhetoric

I was at the store last week, and I ran in to another one of those people who has bought in to all of the propaganda that other countries build higher quality goods then the USA, we had a little discussion about the finer points of being an American.

Obviously being an American, and loving your country is way beyond the intelligence of some people, they just don't understand who supporting your country can help the economy, but I'm here to tell you it does help our country to support our countries business.

When you buy goods built in another country the profits are immediately sent to that country, therefore taking the money from our country, yeah it's to buy some imported items, you can't help it, some things just aren't made in the USA.

But when you blatantly go out and look for thing that are made in other countries, you sell out your country, and I begin to wonder if you love the country that you live in at all, you don't help our American companies stay in business by thinking that way.

I imagine you've heard the saying keep America working at least once in your life, well supporting American made goods will help keep America working, you may know somebody who's been laid off, or been fired, do you think that you buy imported attitude helps them.

Companies usually lay people off, or fire them because they need to save money, look at it this way, if just one buy imported goods person in each city, in every state in the country would start replacing that attitude with a buy American attitude things might just change.

You'd now be supporting your country, and helping it's business thrive, think American, buy American, be American, and help your country, I seem to keep hearing all this crap about how much better other countries are then we are, and none of it can be proven.

What can be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt is the fact that they build a cheaper product, well another old saying comes to mind, you get what you pay for, it true now, and it always has been true, yes you'll spend less now, but I'll still have the one I bought after you have replaced yours.

I don't care what kind of product we're talking about here, it could be cars, electronics, toys, tools, or any other product that gets imported in to this country, you get what you pay for, buy American, help your country through the hard times it's in.

Sure you'll sit around and blame the government for everything that has happened, and you'd be passing the buck, it's at least as much your fault as it is theirs, you quit supporting your country, you quit being American, and this help the economy go down also.

If your an import buyer, don't spend a lot of time whining about the job you just lost, don't spend a lot of time whining about the economy, spend some time reflecting on how you can help the economy, how you can help your country.

Political Views

Monday, March 30, 2009

Your Country Needs You

With all of the things that are going on in our country don't you think that it's about time to be a true American again, I do battle all the time with people who claim to be American, but refuse to support their country, it just seems so basic.

They give excuses like American products aren't built with the same quality standards as imported products are, or other such garbage as why should I buy American, it costs more money and has less quality, and all this without a shred of proof.

I've heard people talking this kind of crap for years now, and to this point in time not one of them has been able to show any proof of it at all, so I ask you, why do you people insist on supporting all these other countries, why is it so hard to be An American.

If you don't like America, or anything it stands for, why not leave and find a better place to live, a place that does it all just the way you like, or is it not possible, this country is deep in a funk, and it needs your help, it's time to step up.

Have you ever heard the saying love it, or leave it, that saying applies to everything that's going on right now, if you don't love this country, please hesitate no longer, leave now and spare our country, or do your part to help it survive.

I know I sound a bit harsh to some of the people who read this blog, it's about time somebody said it, maybe that's the whole problem in our country is all the political correctness that seems to be ruling our great country, it's time to love your country.

When I say buy American, I'm not only talking cars as most of you assume, I am talking about everything, and yes cars to, just be label conscious, look for the made in the USA label on the products, buy American, and keep the profits in this country.

It doesn't make you sound smart when you tell people that you bought things that were built in Japan, Korea, or any other country, it makes you sound like an idiot, what sounds smart is when you help your country, and help our workers by buying products built by them.

Don't look for every excuse in the book to buy imported products, I've said this before, and I'll say it again, our country doesn't make money off of the imported products, the importers don't keep our people working, and they don't employ a lot of Americans either when compared to American companies.

Buy American and keep Americans working, keep our country moving forward, please don't flush our country down the toilet, open your eyes to what's happening here, support your country, buy American, and be and American.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Brilliant Idea - Help Your Country

Have you ever heard the saying buy American, it has never been more true then it is now, you don't look cool just because you bought something that was imported, it doesn't raise your class, or your stature in the community.

Buying imported goods makes look like you don't care about your country, and if that's the case maybe you consider moving to a country that you care about, we all need to be just a bit more patriotic, and be a bit more American, it's time to help your country.

In this country we have things that are imported for just about every country in the entire world, we have goods from Japan, China, Korea, and a lot of others, we also have this thing called the free trade agreement that needs to be done away with, or completely overhauled.

It's time for our country to look out for number one, it's time to step up and be Americans, it's time to love your country, the USA is the greatest country on the earth and it's time for all Americans to remember that, it's time for you to care about your country.

Look at the tag on the product before you buy it, proudly look for the made in USA on the tag, and help your country, it's not a better product just because it happens to be made in Germany, Japan, Korea, or some other country, it's better when it's made in the USA.

I get truly sick and tired of hearing people whine about the economy in one sentence, and in the very next one bragging about the imported products that they just bought, I just don't understand it, if your concerned about the economy, then help it, and buy American.

Friday, February 20, 2009

American Mad – Supports Your Country

I'll bet you've heard about the poor economy, let me ask you a question, do you want to be part of the solution, or part of the problem, I hear people whining about the economy every single day of my life now, and these same people refuse to buy American.

I still keep hearing how much better the importers are at everything, I think it's about time for people to start giving the USA a chance again, how does it help our country for people to continue to buy imported products, and sending the profits out of our country.

Maybe if people had half of an idea how ridiculous it sounds they'd give the USA a chance again, most of the things that the importers build, they have stolen from this country, and yes in some cases improved it, but in most cases it's a myth.

I'd like you to think back in history, what country has always been the industrial giant, the answer is the United States, until the past a few years, how do you think that this affects the economy, if you don't know I can answer it for you, it hurts our economy badly.

Most of the countries in the world used to come to us for things like grain, plastic, and a lot of other things, until someone had the bright idea to create the free trade agreement, it needs to be revised, and be made a fair trade agreement.

We need to start buying American again, we need to think American again, and we need to love our country again, it's time to think about it people, if you do nothing to help our country, then who is going to do it, it won't be our government, so don't go there.

It's up to you, and I to help fix the poor economic situation that our country is in, you can blame some of this on the politicians, but you can't pass the buck, it's your fault also, so people let's let's help our country pull out of the funk that it's in.

Remember earlier when I said that our government isn't going to help, I have an example for you, we have a new president, I won't mention names, but he has just initiated a stimulus plan, and it's a horrible idea, our country has no money to create stimulus with.

I'm not going to go in to the specifics of this stimulus plan, but I am going to talk some common sense here for a minute, if you were bankrupt, would you go buy a new house, fully knowing that there is no way that you can afford to pay for it, probably not.

But our president will pay out a stimulus to millions of people, some of who are not even American citizens, and how does he get the money to do it when the country is bankrupt, he just prints more money, and every dollar he prints gets a little more worthless, sounds great huh.

As far as the economy our country is going down in flames, and nobody wants to help stop it, don't be surprised when it crashes because it will, so keep not buying American, and keep blaming other people for it, but you know the truth, you are part of the cause, not the part of the solution.

Buy American

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Battle Over Quality – People Who Refuse To Learn

I had a battle with a guy the other day who refuses to even try to buy American, saying things like I will buy an American car when you pay my repair bills, this is a good example of the idiocy that has befallen American when it comes to cars, yet the same people are the ones who whine abut the economy.

If you would just give America a chance, you might be pleasantly surprised, I'll tell you up front I have studied the issue of the imports building quality in their cars, and I have not been able to find any proof of this, if you look in to recalls for problems, Toyota has just as many as Ford or GM.

If you look at the products that the cars are made out of, you'll find that the imports don't use better quality products to build their cars, by products I mean sheet metal, plastic, leather, electronics, or any product that you could care to mention.

When I was working the repair shops I repaired just as many imports as I did American cars, I had to do about the same amount of maintenance on the imports, so again I ask you, where is this huge difference in quality, and I better have proof if you try to answer this question.

If you research it, you'll find that I don't just run at the mouth, all of the things that I say can be proven if you do the research, I will not do it for you though, if you want to learn the truth, it's all up to you, the next thing that I will here on this is that their machining processes are better then our are.

Wrong again, the importers are using CNC machines the same as we do, and they buy them from the same manufactures that we do, not the one area where I will agree is that their employees have a better work ethic then a lot of ours do, and I will agree there.

Their paint process is the same as ours is, their cars are built the exact same way as ours are, well except of course the hand built cars, like Ferrari, and a few others, but you must compare apples to apples to get real answers, to get true answers.

Where you'll find differences is when you start comparing a high priced German import to a Chevrolet that's not even in the same class, remember apples to apples, if you compare a $30,000 Mercedes to a $30,000 Chevrolet they will be about the same quality.

I get truly sick of hearing the crap that they are better then we are, don't just say it, prove it or don't waste my time with the import propaganda because I don't care, I have owned them, and I have driven them, and to this point in my life, have never figured out why people insist on spouting this crap.

The Big Three – And The Government

With the big three in trouble financially the way that they are, and the government doesn't want to help, I've been trying to imagine a USA without the big three, and I can't, every one of these car companies have had a long rich history of building great cars, and trucks, and now they need help.

If I had billions of dollars, they'd already be getting helped with their problem, I realize that they had some problems back in the 1980's with the way that they built quality in their cars, but that has all been taken care of now, but this financial problem of theirs is a lot more complicated then that.

First and foremost I'm going to blame the unions for the financial problems that the automakers are having right now, with their bloated health plans, retirement plans, and severance plans, and next in line has to come the American people, for even entertaining the idea of buying an import car.

First it's just ridiculous to sell out your countries automakers, and buy imports, when the US builds a better car then any of them, I have owned VW's, Toyota's, Mitsubishi's, and Diahatsu's, and I promise you that none of them are better then the Dodge that I have now, or even as good.

The big three are on their way out if the government doesn't help, and there shouldn't even be an if there, they just bailed out wall street, why not help the big three stay in business, they can give AIG billions of dollars to go to the spa, and to go hunting, and have big parties, but not help the big three stay in business, it all sounds stupid to me.

It's time for our government to be American, and make sure that an American institution that has been around for over 100 years doesn't just fade away, I can't even imagine the affect that it would have on our country, and their worried about the economy, what would this do to the economy.

It's time to pull your head out of the sand guys, and quit worrying about your buddies on wall street, be of the people, by the people, and for the people, and save the big three for the people of or country, be American for once, and show that you care.

Help them out, with no stipulations, except that they have to pay it back, it's a loan, and like any other loan it needs to be returned, don't charge them a huge interest rate, and don't look for them to pad your pockets, they have had to do that for years with the unions already, just be American and help them out.

Thanksgiving - I Give Thanks To The Bog Three

It's Thanksgiving and I give thanks to the big three, for everything they've done for me, they built the muscle car, gave it style, gave it power, I love the big three, it used to be only GM for me, but with current events I can't deny the things they've all done for me.

Chevrolet gave me the camaro, the Z/28 with it's 302 and available cross-ram with two four barrels, they gave me the Yenko camaro with it's brutal fire breathing 427 cubic inch big block, it's thanksgiving and I give thanks to the big three, nobody does more for me.

Dodge gave me the hemi charger, there's nothing quite like a hemi, it's brutal horsepower and torque could make a grown man cry, the 426 cubic inch beast, that was modestly rated at 430 horsepower, could easily prove that number wrong, and would make your competitor's faces very long.

Buick gave me the GSX, in 1970 Buick decided that they needed to compete in the muscle car wars that the big three were having, enter the GSX, with an 11 second factory ¼ mile, the GSX could impress the most staunch Buick disbeliever, and usually did, it was a true gift.

I give thanks to the big three, for everything they've done for me, they built the muscle car, gave it style, gave it power, I love the big three, it used to be just GM for me, but with current events I can't deny the things they've all done for me.

Ford gave me the mustang, with all of it's accolades, I can't deny it's street prowess, and it's awesome drag race presence, I can't deny the sales numbers, the most sold American muscle car of all times, the power, and the dignity, add Carol Shelby, and look what Ford did for me.

On this day of giving thanks maybe you should look inside, and possibly you could really see the big three for everything that they do for you, you say that they have made mistakes, you say their quality suffers, and you buy in to the hype of the imports, take another look at the big three.

Buy American and save our country, they have had one hundred years to build in our country, and they provide you with the things that you need, take another look at the big three, I have seen everything that they've done for me, and I love the big three.

I grew up with the big three, and my family drove nothing but GM and Ford, I love the big three, and I know what they did for me, I could never stand on the import soap box with dignity, I love the big three, for all they do for our country.

The Big Three
Salt Lake City, Utah, 2-4-2009

Atkin Internet Enterprises believes that it's time for true Americans to step forward, and speak up about the big three possibly going out of business, David C. Atkin vows to support them any way he can, they must be saved .

Atkin Internet Enterprises loves the big three, and thinks that people need to forgive, and forget the past, we can't just let these companies close their doors, it's our duty as American citizens to see that this doesn't happen.

69 Is Fine an Internet based community is also in full support of the big three getting the help that they need, David C. Atkin has restored classic cars built by all three companies, and he understands how important this is.

Atkin Internet Enterprises is dedicated to helping the big three any way we can , and helping people understand how bad we need them to survive, and to thrive in our economy, we are proud to help with this problem.

President David C. Atkin, president of Atkin Internet Enterprises says that the 1969 camaro brought about a lot of changes to the camaro platform, and became the most popular year pf camaro ever built, and as a previous owner of one is dedicated to helping people get their cars on the road, and keep them there.

David C. Atkin is an expert article author on for the fields of automotive restoration, and politics, David has been writing articles on these subjects for the past three years, and is always adding to his repertoire of articles about these subjects.

David has also done interviews about the use of E85 as an alternate fuel for classic American cars, in the January 2008 issue of Muscle Car Enthusiast magazine, David is always striving to make old cars more popular, as they are an important part of our countries automotive history.

Http:// is also putting forth an effort to see that the big three get the help that they need, all sites owned by Atkin Internet Enterprises will support the big three in their efforts to rebuild their businesses, and to help them thrive.

For additional information about please contact David C. Atkin, or visit , if you'd like a copy of this press release you may visit our forum located at and look in the press release area.

Atkin Internet Enterprises provides web design and hosting services to the automotive industry.

The Big Three - Put The Past Aside

Our government has come to a screeching halt on the big three bailout, it's disgusting that our government can't agree on something this important, it could literally mean the survival of our country, I used to trust out government, but not any more.

They can't seem to put all of the party bickering and slide of hand politics aside long enough to save one of the most industries in our country, and it's just horrible the government is just taking it's time to put more strain on the industry and cause a collapse of our economy.

The big three have been helping our country for over a hundred years, and now they need help, can't we just forget the past, and remember our future, the automotive industry in our country supports more then just themselves, they use more plastic, rubber, and computer chips then any other industry.

We have a democrats locked in a battle with the republicans, and then the environmentalists, who really do nothing but whine about everything American in the first place, and enter the UAW, a group of thieves who the government needs to shut down in the first place, can't we just all get along, and come to a reasonable conclusion here.

The big three aren't asking for anywhere near what the banking industry is about to get, and all I hear is petty bickering, and political slide of hand, it's as if we have a bunch of illusionists in charge of our country, who can't agree on their next trick, are we Americans any more for gods sake.

The government keeps expecting the auto industry to do more and more to help the environment, and don't think about the cost of these things that they are asking, even little changes can cost millions, re-tooling can cost billions, like a small kid the government wants it all, and to do nothing in return.

It's about time to end all of the bickering, and slide of hand, and just help the big three so they can continue to help America, that is if anybody cares about America any more, the America I know is on it's way out, and nobody even cares about it.

Buy American - The Big Three

I just got through battling with a guy over the quality of American built cars, and guess who won Americans have listened to the rhetoric about the imports being better for long enough, it's about time for true Americans to give the big three a chance again.

We seem to keep dwelling on things that are twenty or more years old, what made you buy an import in the first place? did you hear that they were a built a better car; did you hear that their quality was better, when you heard that you gave them a chance, you bought in to the hype surrounding the imports.

If their cars are so much better, why do most of them prefer to drive American cars, if you think I'm lying this can be proven with a simple Google search on the subject, the only reason the Japanese don't buy more of our cars is because of the price, who do you think is buying all the old American cars.

I was at the Ford dealership, when a guy from Russia came in to purchase a car, he did just that, he bought a Mustang, and then promptly shipped it back to Russia, when asked why he flew all the way across the sea just to buy an American car, he said they are the best cars you can buy.

This guy would apparently be more American then most American's are, he flew all of those miles to buy an American car, because he researched the quality, he compared, and he learned the real truth about the quality of cars, he could have bought a German car, or a Japanese car, and spent less money.

So why don't more American's do the same thing, do some research on the subject before you just go out and buy an import, by research I mean more then just one web site, and more then one dealership, however you do your research, be sure to spend some time, don't be in a hurry, and you may be pleasantly surprised.

It's time to give them another chance, yes in the past they have made a few mistakes, but they are American car companies, they deserve another chance, if you made a mistake you'd want another chance, why don't they deserve the same thing as you'd expect for yourself.

Buy American, be American, and help the America survive.

Buy American, be American, and help the big three survive.