Monday, March 30, 2009

Your Country Needs You

With all of the things that are going on in our country don't you think that it's about time to be a true American again, I do battle all the time with people who claim to be American, but refuse to support their country, it just seems so basic.

They give excuses like American products aren't built with the same quality standards as imported products are, or other such garbage as why should I buy American, it costs more money and has less quality, and all this without a shred of proof.

I've heard people talking this kind of crap for years now, and to this point in time not one of them has been able to show any proof of it at all, so I ask you, why do you people insist on supporting all these other countries, why is it so hard to be An American.

If you don't like America, or anything it stands for, why not leave and find a better place to live, a place that does it all just the way you like, or is it not possible, this country is deep in a funk, and it needs your help, it's time to step up.

Have you ever heard the saying love it, or leave it, that saying applies to everything that's going on right now, if you don't love this country, please hesitate no longer, leave now and spare our country, or do your part to help it survive.

I know I sound a bit harsh to some of the people who read this blog, it's about time somebody said it, maybe that's the whole problem in our country is all the political correctness that seems to be ruling our great country, it's time to love your country.

When I say buy American, I'm not only talking cars as most of you assume, I am talking about everything, and yes cars to, just be label conscious, look for the made in the USA label on the products, buy American, and keep the profits in this country.

It doesn't make you sound smart when you tell people that you bought things that were built in Japan, Korea, or any other country, it makes you sound like an idiot, what sounds smart is when you help your country, and help our workers by buying products built by them.

Don't look for every excuse in the book to buy imported products, I've said this before, and I'll say it again, our country doesn't make money off of the imported products, the importers don't keep our people working, and they don't employ a lot of Americans either when compared to American companies.

Buy American and keep Americans working, keep our country moving forward, please don't flush our country down the toilet, open your eyes to what's happening here, support your country, buy American, and be and American.

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